A jump performed in empty ski symmetrical bodies, public waiting at the landing slope close to the heart athletes after flying over 100m, are characteristics of a show that has thrilled the world.

From the height of their jumps, skiers ignore the laws of gravity. Ski jumping requires strength, speed, precision, balance and concentration.

The most important phases of a jump successful are on the start off the trampoline, the detachment, flight and landing, the smallest error in one of these phases can compromise the entire jump.

Ski Jumping Rules

Two jumps must be performed in competition, the winner being the individual who accumulates the most points after two sleeves.
The evolution of each jumper is based on the length of the jump as well jumping on the assessment style by five judges.
The order of start at the Olympics is on World Cup results.

Olympic samples are total of 3, two individual (on the off the trampoline and off the trampoline normal range) and one to four sports teams on a large off the trampoline.
The elements of the jump:

The start is made by jumping into a streamlined position, without being able to use any tool to increase speed.

The detachment of the jump table is made using leg strength, followed by extension the body to obtain optimal flight position.

In this respect, the skis must be arranged in the shape of V, a symmetric and positive position. In this phase of the jump, timing plays an overwhelming role.

The flight takes about 5-7 seconds, during which jumpers need to maintain an aerodynamic position but also a style that looks nice to the jump judges.

Landing must be performed safely in an ordered position of the body. Landing positional also influence the style note.
In competitions, the winner is the one who accumulates the most points after two sleeves.

Each trampoline is a “construction point” for the large springboards, usually 120 meters. Arriving at this distance athlete receives 60 points. For each meter minus 1.8 and minus points, and for each additional meter is added 1.8 points, resulting in scores for length.

The evolution of each jumper is evaluated by five judges and is based on the long jump and flight style. 5 notes are given values between 1 and 20. The best and the worst is canceled, the remainder being added to score for long.

Based on the final score ranking is done, the winner receives 100 points.

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